
Katana42 字

启动Katana并正确加载各种渲染器插件,需要确保设置了一些环境变量。 最简单方法是使用启动批处理脚本。

rem start here
@echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------
rem -------- How to use this script ------------
rem ---------------------------------------------

rem --Change the "KATANA Specific" section to reflect your install path, custtom tools, etc--
rem --Delete the settings for the renderers that you do not have installed or do not want to use at the same time.--

rem --"KATANA_RESOURCES" is the environmant variable that drives what gets loaded at startup for KATANA. This is how you load tools and plug-ins--
rem --"DEFAULT_RENDERER" is the environmant varibale that drives which renderer plug-in is expected by default in a "RenderSettings" node.--
rem --Different renderer plug-ins have a range of needs for the PATH environmant variable--
rem --Some renderer plug-ins are still in beta and their environmant variable requirements may change.--

rem --------------------------------------
rem -------- KATANA Specific ------------
rem --------------------------------------
rem --Define the install location for KATANA and add binaries to the PATH--
set "KATANA_ROOT=C:\Program Files\Katana2.5v1"

rem --Make the example projects like the PyMock asset plugins available in KATANA

rem --This line is a simple example of how custom shelf scripts can be sourced--
rem http://help.thefoundry.co.uk/katana/current/#tg/shelf_item_scripts/shelf_item_scripts.html
set "KATANA_RESOURCES=%KATANA_RESOURCES%;C:\Users\jordan\Dropbox\katana_shelves"
set "KATANA_RESOURCES=%KATANA_RESOURCES%;C:\Users\Jordan\Dropbox\katana_tools"

rem -This is how you set the default renderer even when more than one are used at once (arnold, prman, vray, dl)
rem - Change this to match the renderer you want to use by default.
rem !!--------------------------------!!

rem !!!!!!!!!!!!! Delete the tools you do not use from the section below !!!!!!!!!!!!!

rem ----------------------------------------
rem -------- 3Delight Specific ------------
rem ----------------------------------------
rem --This is the location of where the main 3Delight package is installed--
set "DELIGHT=C:\Program Files\3Delight"
rem --This is the location of the 3Delight for KATANA plugin--
set "DLFK_INSTALL_PATH=C:\Program Files\3Delight_for_Katana.09.windows"

rem --These make sure that all the shaders, and tools can be found by the plugin/renderer--
set "DL_DISPLAYS_PATH=C:\Program Files\3Delight\displays"
set "DL_SHADERS_PATH=C:\Program Files\3Delight\shaders"
set "PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\3Delight\bin"

rem --This is the location of the 3Delight for KATANA plug-in--
rem !!--------------------------------!!

rem --------------------------------------
rem -------- Arnold Specific ------------
rem --------------------------------------
rem --Where you have installed the KtoA plug-in--
set "ARNOLD_INSTALL_PATH=C:\Program Files\KtoA-1.1-kat2.5-windows"

rem --Without these three KtoA will not function--

rem --To install the AlShaders
rem --http://www.anderslanglands.com/alshaders/index.html--
rem --Copy the Args folder itself to the bin folder of AlShaders folder--
rem --Set this line below to include the AlShaders into the Arnold shader path
set "ALSHADER_PATH=C:\Program Files\alShaders-win-1.0.0rc17-ai4.2.12.2\bin"

rem --This is how to load the KtoA plug-in--
rem !!--------------------------------!!

rem ----------------------------------------
rem -------- Redshift Specific ------------
rem ----------------------------------------
rem --Coming out later in 2016--
rem !!--------------------------------!!

rem --------------------------------------------
rem -------- RenderMan 20 Specific ------------
rem --------------------------------------------
rem --This is the location of the PRman plugin for KATANA in this case the one The Foundry compiled for testing--
set "RFKTREE=C:\Program Files\The Foundry\RenderManForKatana-katana2.5-20.9-win64-custom-foundry-160617"
rem --This is the location of the RenderMan Pro Server installation--
set "RMANTREE=C:\Program Files\Pixar\RenderManProServer-20.10"

rem --These make sure that the programs can be found, shaders loaded, and all components used--
rem --This is different for PRman 21 so do not try to use the same for both versions once there is a PRman 21 RfK for Windows--
set "RMAN_RIXPLUGINPATH=%RISDIR%\bxdf;%RISDIR%\pattern;%RISDIR%\integrator;%RISDIR%\projection;%RISDIR%\light"
set "RMAN_SHADERPATH=%RMAN_SHADERPATH%;%RFKTREE%\Resources\PRMan20\Shaders;%RMANTREE%\lib\shaders;%RMANTREE%\lib\rsl\shaders"

rem --This is what is required to load the RfK plugin--
rem !!--------------------------------!!

rem --------------------------------------------
rem -------- RenderMan 21 Specific ------------
rem --------------------------------------------
rem --This is the location of the PRman plugin for KATANA in this case the one The Foundry compiled for testing--
set "RFKTREE=C:\Program Files\Pixar\RenderManForKatana-21.1-katana2.5\plugins"
rem --This is the location of the RenderMan Pro Server installation--
set "RMANTREE=C:\Program Files\Pixar\RenderManProServer-21.1"

rem --These make sure that the programs can be found, shaders loaded, and all components used--
rem --This is different for PRman 21 so do not try to use the same for both versions once there is a PRman 21 RfK for Windows--

rem --This is what is required to load the RfK plugin--
rem !!--------------------------------!!

rem -------------------------------------
rem -------- V-Ray Specific ------------
rem -------------------------------------
rem --Location of the V-Ray for KATANA install directory.--
rem --Not the syntax for Program Files as at the time of testing the plugin did not like spaces in directory names. This could be fixed--
set "VRAY_INSTALL_PATH=C:\Progra~1\vray_adv_30501_katana_2_5_x64"

rem --Specific location to call out the plug-in to itsef--

rem --This is required to access the tools that parse all the shaders--

rem --This is how the V-Ray plugin gets loaded--
rem !!--------------------------------!!

rem ------------------------------------------
rem -------- Multiverse Specific ------------
rem ------------------------------------------

rem --------------------------------

rem -------- Deadline Specific ------------
set "KATANA_RESOURCES=%KATANA_RESOURCES%;C:\Users\Jordan\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline8\submitters\KatanaSubmitter"
rem --------------------------------

rem !!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop deleting parts of the script. Leave the rest of this script alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!

rem -------- Start KATANA ------------

rem This holds the cmd prompt open so you can inspect it if there are issues

