一个参考Nuke升级文件的Clarisse python脚本
# Python script for Clarisse
# Saves a new version of the project by increasing the version number, Nuke-style.
# Use a "v" followed by a number with any padding in the filename such as "file_v001.project" and the script will find the version and save a new file for you.
def padding(s, num, p="0"):
while len(s) < num: s = p + s
return s
def log(i):
def getProjectPath():
path = ix.application.get_factory().get_vars().get("PDIR").get_string() + "/"
project_file = ix.application.get_factory().get_vars().get("PNAME").get_string()
if project_file.find(".project") == -1: project_file += ".project"
project = path + project_file
return path, project, project_file
def numeric(s):
return int(s), True
return "", False
def versionUp(n = ""):
path, project, file_name = getProjectPath()
file = project
if len(n)>0: file = n # use argument passed if there is one
v = file.rfind("v")
if v == -1: return file, False # no "v" found
b = ""
for i in range(v+1,len(file)): # look for numbers following the "v"
n, ok = numeric(file[i])
if ok: b = b + file[i]
else: break # stop looking at the first non-number
pad = len(b)
if pad == 0: return file, False # the v had no numbers after it
version, success = numeric(b) # get integer from string
if not success: return file, False # non-number snuck in?
version = version + 1
restr = padding(str(version), pad) # add back padding zeroes
return file[:v] + "v" + restr + file[v+pad+1:], True # construct new project name and return
new_name, success = versionUp()
if success: ix.save_project(new_name)